CLICK HERE TO: Join the USTA or you can call 1-800-990-8782. If you have ever had a USTA membership number you MUST USE THAT NUMBER. DO NOT create a new membership number. You can call the number above to find out what your USTA number is.
CLICK HERE TO: Setup or Login to your TennisLink Account (players must have an account to self-rate and/or register on a team)
ABOUT Self-Rate Once you setup a TennisLink account, you can log into your account (see link above) and there is an option to self rate. If you are 59 or under and played USTA within the last three years, you already have a USTA rating. For players 60 and over, your rating is valid for two years. If you have never played USTA or your rating has expired you will need to self-rate. If you have an expired rating, you cannot self rate at a level lower than what your last rating was. For example, if you played 5 years ago and your rating was 3.5, you have to self rate because your rating has expired. However you cannot rate yourself lower than 3.5 since that was the last level you played. There are also self-rating guidelines for ranked Texas Junior players in the Texas Section Operating Procedures: Verification section (under NoHo Local League Regulations and Procedures tab).
ABOUT REGISTERING FOR A TEAM: To Register for a team you must have:
1. A current USTA membership that is valid thru the end of the league season you are registering for. Please call 1-800-990- USTA (8782) or go to if you need help with your USTA Membership for any of these reasons: Lost USTA membership number, Joining for the first time or renewing a current membership. If you have ever had a USTA membership number you must use that number. DO NOT create a new membership number.
2. Have a current rating (either self rate or have a rating from playing USTA in the past 3 years for player 59 and under or 2 years for players 60 and over).
3. Have a TennisLink account set up (see link above).
4. Have a team ID number (provided to the captain by the local league coordinator)
5. Log into the USTA Tennislink website and click on the "Register for a team" button.