To Register A Team and Receive a Team ID Number
Please do not register for a League whose registration period is not open.
Ladies & Mens
55+ 11/18/24 - 12/16/24 40+ 01/13/25 - 02/10/25
18+ 03/17 /25 - 04/14/25 Combo 06/2/25 - 06/30/25
65+ 07/14/24 - 07/28/24 Tri Level - TBD (early fall)
18+ 04/28/25 - 05/19/25 40+ 04/14/25 - 05/05/25
55+ 06/2/25 - 06/23/25
The detailed information for each league is found under the corresponding League tab (Ladies & Men's or Mixed).
1. Complete the on-line team registration form using the link below.
2. You will receive a confirmation email confirming receipt of your registration form.
3. ONCE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM NUMBER OF TEAMS HAS REGISTERED, you will receive an email with a Team ID number and then may instruct your players to register thru TennisLink. THERE ARE NO PLAYER LEAGUE REGISTRATION FEE REFUNDS.
4. Within two weeks of team registration closing, the schedule will be publshed on Tennis Link.